According to their physical

When man sees (always on TV, magazines or radio (no, wait, radio no) that a woman can not stop looking, starting to secrete excessive salivation and probably raise the flag, knowing that he can never contemplate Live and direct, without doubt this is a true copy of Goddess. In this group are supermodels, singers, actresses and porn stars (the porno nice, old and bizarre that the dogs do not mind.) Used to hang out with girls more heinous types of school. Some examples of these Goddesses are Monica Bellucci and Martha Sahagun de Fox (Goddess of Pestilence)
This type of woman would make anyone happy except for one thing: they are only in the imagination. The real woman would have the same qualities of a goddess, but would not be such a bitch, or almost not think "men". Rather, it is quite a respectable lady in the street, at school, at work, and would only whore in bed. If you are married to a real woman, do not hesitate to propose a threesome with another woman, yes you are accessing.This copy if possible see it live, as it is responsible for 80% of cases of torticollis in men (the remaining 20% is raised to mark the man's favorite team a goal, when this is back). The neighbor across the street is a clear example of pivon, along with your best friend's girlfriend
How much is a mortal man can aspire. They are usually muchachillas of sexy body and pretty face, but they are often or very busy or are much smaller than the pedophile that is reviewing
These are paired with those just absolute majority of the males, as they are the only ones that have sex for pleasure with a man. From here, the other have sex out of necessity.
Women's physical qualities which are the limit of what is acceptable to all, so that specialize in make the man look at a woman inside (feelings), usually most women who date people who edit here
Man A: "How about my girlfriend?"
Man B: "Bueeeeno ... is nice ..."
These are paired with those just absolute majority of the males, as they are the only ones that have sex for pleasure with a man. From here, the other have sex out of necessity.
Women's physical qualities which are the limit of what is acceptable to all, so that specialize in make the man look at a woman inside (feelings), usually most women who date people who edit here
Man A: "How about my girlfriend?"
Man B: "Bueeeeno ... is nice ..."
The one has nothing, simply parted in the middle.
Here falls just any woman could lose her virginity to a drunk who no longer remember or name. These women, usually at marriage (if one succeeds) are assured of having only daughters in order to become the mother of some drunk bald unfortunate.
These women will cease to exist when men stop drinking alcohol
They are simply women who scare people just look at them, write more, but just imaginármelas makes my fingers cramp.
What excites a man less, is another man except the homogay
Remember that a woman's intelligence is inversely proportional to the beauty of this, thus the more ugly, more ready, except the last group, in which intelligence is merely a noun in the book that that holds the wobbly table leg .
What excites a man less, is another man except the homogay
Remember that a woman's intelligence is inversely proportional to the beauty of this, thus the more ugly, more ready, except the last group, in which intelligence is merely a noun in the book that that holds the wobbly table leg .
According external anatomy
Can also be classified according to the study of the external parts of the female anatomy. Among the different classifications are:
female cow
Women baca (femina bovis) is a subtype of feminus (woman) that is characterized by two large and imposing
attributes. As conference call a girl pejorative "Women-cow" is also alluded to another kind of feminus, which has a weight problem (Obesus femina).
What makes you skid These women can be attractive or not. But they have more curves escalextri track
According Psychological Profile
Although a woman rarely fit exactly into one of the following profiles, they usually tend to agree more in one than in the other classifications are presented below.
Therefore, it is recommended to be prepared for any situation, hear what they are saying (so do not have to be repeated every few minutes), but letting them talk all they want, and treat them with love more than anything (except the interested ).
the interested
- Scientific name: Femina Terminatorus Fortunis
Unlike what most people think, the interested, not interested in money (because they rarely know how to count). This type of woman is often sexually attractive, so is in a position to demand what comes to mind, since that would lead to an expensive dinner or "section" of civilization (as beaches with luxury resorts, or exotic destinations) to consider giving jewelry, cars, etc..
I repeat: A woman interested not interested in money, mainly because it is usually quite understand how it is used. Do not want to know what you owe, and how much it costs what it wants, what matters is that your partner will get it and take care of these "little things". The credit card is the best example of these cases (a device invented by banks to bleed people "old green / bastards" by these women).
Typically, the woman concerned (dog), has two main types of relationships with men: "Pedophile Lolita + / Rabo Green + slimy" and "wife / girlfriend misogynist Trophy + / Wealthy".
The Relationship Pedophile Lolita + / + slobbering Rabo Verde is a she-male with a considerably older than her, "who believe that they are up and think that now if they found one who really understands." As these are usually the ones who manage to satisfy their inner void with material things in exchange for sex. This relationship replaces the typical "daddy" conscious-all for one.
spouse with whom the
lady feels "protected".
spouse with whom the
lady feels "protected".
If the male member of the couple is of the same age, then we speak of a couple of kind rather Wife / Girlfriend Trophy + misogynist / wealthy. In this, the man has managed to have enough money to meet women of age from youth, so (usually) grows up thinking (unconsciously in most cases) that you can get women and sex only "bribing".
In both types of couples is common that women are exchanged periodically by a more recent or better.
- Preferida phrase:"Is that all I'm worth to you?"
- How to deal with this class:Exercise extreme caution ... and well filled wallet, but never show you the content, just what you can do with it. Do not mention the word money unless it is totally and absolutely necessary in front of her.
the Existential
- scientific name: Femina Tendencious Suicidous
This type of woman is known to follow fashion ... of existentialism. Considers that the ropausualmente dress in dark colors and hide what puberty so kindly gave him, he's going to take more seriously than the other women.
They often join organizations and / or leftist parties, especially if they come from families with economic good, tried to separate or apart from the rest of his family and people they consider "superficial".
Unfortunately this type of woman is hard to accept / understand that
never going to catch the
hardly attract a mate if not
teaches the goods
care about their appearance a little more.
- Favorite Quote: "You do not understand me." (Especially when you do not understand what she is talking about).
- How to deal with this class: Show that hates the world (human) and all commercial (at least initially), and it has a high sensitivity for environmentalism, new age and everything that comes to mind. Any thoughts complicated, but it is not, talk about philosophy, counter-culture, and the like so that they do not understand and have in their hands. In this case it may be desirable so tacañoahorrativo act.
La Castradora
- Nombre científico: Femina Perrus Tragabolus
Also known as Bitch, Walking Ball
Hembrista and others. Such women often insist that
There are no men in the world
is better than men, and will endeavor to prove that it is in one way or another.
Not stand to see a man mourn, because when they see one, are responsible for making you feel worse than a cockroach, questioning his manhood, showing role models of what to them is a "man", prompting him to suicide, and without realizing that it has shown that women were no longer true.
For documents error says "female" on her birth certificate. Usually the term "man" is recurrent in his vocabulary. They only have "men" in their head, they spend only talking about "men," and what some call "hungry man".
They say very defenders of the rights of women, and his favorite subject is "the mistreatment of women", but they actually lead to death even with the other women. If you enter into a discussion with her, the only option is a disaster, because if she wins, it will give the signal that it sends, and if he wins, it will explode and tantrum until it is given by.
Such women tend to be alone, by his desire to find "Mr. Right" (which hardly find, because nobody holds). When they fail in their quest, they end up friends homogays stalwarts of the environment to see what they can learn from their wisdom, and then get confused befriend the mayate aspiring to infect your "hungry men". Over time, they lose their physical attractiveness and have no choice but to accept what falls, however, they are still dangerous.
- Favorite Quote:"Men are idiots."
- How to deal with this class: "Avoid it as much as possible, without irritating (you never know who their friends). Represents more problems than benefits. Anyway, I was too attractive, it is better to find out if you have sisters (usually have relatively poor and have different points of view). "
the Fox
- Scientific name: Femina Abrepiernas Cualquieris
Also known as Easy, Güila, Loca, or Nympho Slut, is the only kind of woman who feels orgasms easily, which (unlike the others) YES enjoys sex. This woman does not care much about the guy you go, but how many "flavors" can test in the shortest possible time.
Unfortunately often characterized as having a physical rather average. But there is almost nothing that a little alcohol can not be improved (for wey you take it, it usually does not need, but if you want ...).
- favorite phrase: "I do enjoy being a woman!" ... and / or insinuate anything you what you want.
- How to deal with this class: Pass before the pharmacy by a good supply of condoms. Remember that often the only thing that happened over the drive train, and maybe you. This class is ideal for testing all kinds of perversions (prior authorization).
Within this category we find the. camboyanas.
The (Pseudo) Fox
- scientific name: Femina Cornudis Panzona
At first sight appears similar to the previous one, however, of this class are characterized by being heated Nadamas-balls. Typically they are physically attractive since childhood, so accustomed to them and be treated concienta especially well. Thus (usually) develop a personality somewhat "gooey" with almost any man they encounter in front.
This is the class to which they belong true foxes regularly before losing their virginity. Well, until then, the pseudo-bitch still thinks it's too sacred to lose.
They usually are blackmailers, and manipulative as all but over.
This kind of woman, but is unlikely to have sex itself, easily fajar will go with any "friend" who is out there on the pretext of going out for coffee or go to the movies and stuff. While maintaining a "stable relationship"
This kind of woman, but is unlikely to have sex itself, easily fajar will go with any "friend" who is out there on the pretext of going out for coffee or go to the movies and stuff. While maintaining a "stable relationship"
Have a friend with whom surely had a relationship and the guy goes and pasted them, they usually do not peel by ugly and rolled with the popular types of school, work, home or the 3
If it ends like real slut, usually ends as teenage single mother (accept it).
- Favorite Quote: "I'm not a whore!"
- How to deal with this class: Stay away until you have fully tested the "eggplant" and understand the only thing served. Resist the temptation to fall into your network, unless you plan to share it with all your "friends". If you still insist on coming, take the necessary steps (yourself vasectomy) to then not get away with "goodies".
The Good.
- scientific name: Femina Conyugis Abnegatus
This is the rarest kind. Girls usually begin as fairly shy or happy at school, and if they have the advantage of a proper religious and moral education grow with the idea that they should remain virgins until marriage. We distinguish the following subcategories:
the Fortunate

the Wretched
This touches a life difficult to ignore their parents when they said "I do not think that boyfriend so rare they want." Casucho end unhappily somewhere with a stack of old children and a husband who can be a misogynist pervert, an infidel who is cheating on him day and night, a bum without a job or benefit, a drunk, a Piedrero, a thief, a abuser, an incestuous, or a mixture of all bizarre and aberrant or
an administrator of the Uncyclopedia

the Lonely
These are those that tend to have a husband to a man who left alone for days or weeks for "business". Sometimes these trips are not such, it is just an excuse not to see their faces, because they are getting old and haggard. Is that with three or four children in tow hyperactive all day is getting its character as a lemon (pounded). It is usually taken for a fool, and that foxes and castrating them say: A) He cuckolded her husband as well, or B) Be more brave and go to feminism (careful, it does not become a lesbian).
- How to deal with this class: They are very good companions if treated well know these women, but they tend to be very sensitive. They must have great esteem, and that in two out of three cases were playing a very ugly life, and in the first, not having a life of luxury, have a loving companion who are treated with care. Use caution if you have siblings, because it would be a problem hurting brothers and that they learn ...