Natural oils for acne
This time we tell a very common problem that is difficult to deal with it is acne. Currently there are many treatments to prevent acne, but as you can imagine not all of them are effective for people. This time we will talk about a very special treatment that may have excellent results.

The choice of oil is very important to know how to choose which is the oil you use depends entirely on the type of skin you have. Remember not to use the concentration of oil directly on skin the first thing is to dilute the oil in water to avoid irritation.
Before applying the oil on our skin it is best to prepare a small portion of mixing water with the oil and then apply it to any area of the body to check if we have an allergy, irritation or redness of the skin.
Here are some simple tips that will explain wanted to maintain healthy skin free of impurities that can cause more cystic acne on our skin.
Create your own wrinkle cream
The problem of wrinkles is a fear that women there have a lot of beauty tips that are very useful to keep skin young and wrinkle free glowing. This time we will explain a council home comprising preparing a cream that helps to reduce wrinkles.This cream is very simple to prepare, the first thing to get are the following ingredients:

- 50 cc. Jojoba oil.
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil.
Once we have all the ingredients in a bowl and add then mix until they are combined to perfection.
The next thing to do apply this cream that we prepared on our skin on a daily basis. If we do this everyday wrinkles disappear thanks to the benefits we deliver the vitamins and antioxidants that possess the ingredients of this homemade cream. Also with this homemade cream get better skin texture improve if we want we can do this with the help of a good diet that includes among its antioxidant property that will help keep skin younger longer.
Mango homemade mask for dry skin
Using natural ingredients to create homemade masks is a technique that has been used for a long time, because with it we can get the benefits of certain foods and thus we can care for our skin.This time you'll learn to create a mask based on a tropical fruit like mango as it is. This is a very delicious fruit that is rich in vitamin C, this is a powerful antioxidant and helps a lot to fight free radicals thereby preventing premature aging of the skin, the mask handle is ideal for dry skin types.
For the preparation of this mask and exfoliation with moisturizing mango need the following ingredients: A Mango peeled, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of fine oatmeal.

With the mask list proceed to apply this to the areas of the face, neck and chest. This mask should be applied to clean skin with gentle circular motions and once applied leave for 30 minutes. Having completed the time to remove the mask with warm water.
Our skin will be relieved quickly, thus feel extreme softness. Ideally, the apply this mask twice a week, to keep her skin soft and glowing if in no time.
Household Tips for your lashes
This time we will explain some tips that may be useful to the beauty of your eyelashes, they can create an expression of our look very beautiful or interesting and if they can not take care of creating a bored expression, which is why we should care them. This article will explain some simple tips to make these grow.The first advice you to explain is that you should keep an essential basic care for your lashes, it is recommended that before bed remove mascara before going to bed, in case you do not have a cleaner it is appropriate to use olive oil or petroleum jelly applied this should leave overnight and in the morning I removed and painted lashes normally.
Another good trick to accelerate eyelash growth process is to apply vitamin E in a cotton, this should apply it in the morning before makeup and apply it at night just before going to sleep, with these simple tips can keep your eyelashes nourished longer.
A good recommendation is the use of castor oil to your eyelashes, you have to do is mix a tablespoon of castor oil with half spoon of vanilla extract, and the mixture obtained with the help of a mascara applicator apply this in our eyelashes.
These are simple, very simple to maintain the beauty of your eyelashes, we invite you to be encouraged to try them and in no time you will notice their eyelashes look resplendent.
Benefits of lemon on beauty products
Natural products are widely used in cosmetics to create beauty products one of the most used natural ingredients is lemon, this is because the lemon has many and varied properties that are beneficial to our skin.Among the most important properties of lemon are the following healing properties, cleansing and astringent. With these properties has the benefit of removing dead skin cells, also allows for proper cleaning our skin.
In the beauty market there are a lot of lime based products, among which we can find some of them that are masks to remove skin blemishes or masks that brown sugar base and lemon that aim to exfoliate the skin.
Lemon is also very good to highlight the beauty of our hair especially if your hair type is oily, this is because the lemon helps remove the bait that accumulates in the hair. A good recommendation for this is that before washing your hair regularly rinse your hair first two lemons squeezed in two liters of water it can remove the grease that accumulates in the hair.
Choose your nail polish correctly
One of the newest trends is to keep nail polish and especially if these designs or paint them with paint our nails with different colors where most predominant colors are fluorescent colors such as yellow, pink or too other fashionable colors are those bright colors like green, blue, orange, among others. That is why in this article we will explain some tips for choosing your nail polish and these relucirán always beautiful.For the selection of enamel color first thing to consider is that you will choose according to our personality, a good recommendation for young women is choosing bright colors like fuchsia, however if your personality is a bit formal or more serious for you the right colors are gold and silver, that because these colors will give a more elegant nails and are ideal for sunny days when we go to the beach, pool or just recreational places like amusement park or squares.
Finally nail fashion is a very good aspect of beauty, but for this to have a good reception all must match the color of your nails with the type of clothing that we use, especially if you paint your nails are the feet of these must match the type of shoes we use.
When you purchase your nail polish not only choose the color you try to choose some other benefits granted such as those that strengthen nails, because these provide an improvement in the health of the nails.
Two masks to soften skin
The natural masks always offer us some very good benefits for our skin. This time you'll learn to create two masks always keep skin soft.The first mask is a mask of cucumber and honey, this is a very good option to smooth facial skin, this because by mixing these two components of facial skin is nourished, moisturizes and stays young.

- ½ cucumber.
- 1 egg white.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil.
- 1 tablespoon honey.
- 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder.
His preparation is very simple. First peel the cucumber and cut into small cubes, then beat a little egg white and must be mixed with olive oil and tablespoon of oatmeal. When you obtain a smooth paste apply it on the skin and leave on for 15 minutes, once served the time remove with lukewarm water.
The following mask is pink, this softens the skin and provides a pleasant scent on your skin, that when combined with other ingredients can be a great mask.
- A handful of rose petals.
- 2 tablespoons of rosewater.
- 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.
- 1 tablespoon honey.
Crush the rose petals, then add rose water to get the pleasant aroma of the petals, after this add honey and yogurt, mix all ingredients. Then it should only apply the mask on your skin and leave on for 20 minutes elapsed rinse with warm water.
Beneficial properties of the cocoa butter
There are a cosmetic products that help to improve the appearance of our skin, keeping it hydrated and toned, other benefits that are present in beauty products is the appearance of wrinkles. But we can also find these benefits in natural products such as cocoa butter that has moisturizing properties, nutrients and are excellent for our skin.Cocoa butter has a fat oily texture of this is a product that can be used as basic ingredient for candy or other kind of cosmetics, this because cocoa butter is rich in vitamins and fat ingredients, will thereby allows our skin to stay hydrated and avoid wrinkles.
Cocoa butter is a great beauty trick that is used to improve and ease the burns caused by the sun, this for its moisturizing and regenerative capacity of the cellular tissue which also presents the cocoa cream creates a protective layer prevents skin burn with UV rays.
Homemade moisturizing mask
The homemade masks are frequently used as an excellent choice of beauty as they are cheaper than moisturizers that can be found in trade, these creams can have the same benefits that have the homemade masks, which is why this time we will explain on how to prepare a homemade mask to hydrate the skin by improving its elasticity.
For the preparation of this mask is created from flour with milk and honey. His preparation is very simple and this mask has the main benefit that keeps your skin well hydrated ingredients you need can be found in your own home. For this mask only need the following ingredients:
- 50 grams of flour.
- 100 cc of whole milk.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil.
- 1 tablespoon honey.
For the preparation process should only mix all ingredients in a single well and stir everything until a smooth paste, then apply this mask on our face, neck and chest. We leave on for 15 minutes, once elapsed proceed to remove remaining mask with warm water. This is the mask can be used daily if desired.
Rosehip to remove scars

To remove scars with Rosehip oil the first step is to wash the area well apply rosehip oil, ie properly clean that area where we have the scar, then apply the rosehip oil and leave it for 15 minutes, after that we with the help of a paper towel withdraw all excess oil that remains on the skin.
Rosehip oil can be found in beauty supply stores and are a great option for women who are pregnant because it helps prevent stretch marks, the important thing is that it should be applied daily in our abdomen with it is prevented from forming grooves in this zone.
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