The pheromones in perfumes to seduce
Some women believe that the perfume is used exclusively for that scent them and gives them an identity. This is true but you knew that there where pheromone perfume pheromones act producing an excitement in others.Pheromones in any perfume fragrance are normal for application only need apply perfume normally because no pheromone effectiveness depends on the amount to use but quality.
The effectiveness of the perfume is easy to check yourself as you go realizing as increasing your success with men, but the result of this is not one hundred percent effective, but rather a complement to our seduction is why if you want to get good results depends on you and the security you have in yourself, you feel beautiful and do things for you to look splendid.
If you believe and have confidence in your power to seduce any scent that has your scent will have an effect that will be surprising to you. Finally to further increase the confidence you have in yourself and find a right perfume you find the one for you. Many people use pheromones to increase sales is why the importance of checking the effectiveness of these you can test your fragrance and enjoy the erotic power of perfume.
Tips for perfume last longer
If you're a fan of perfumes woman then chances are that when you use your perfume want this to last a long time and most likely seek the aroma is maintained at all times. This time we will explain some tips that will be very useful if you want the fragrance lasts longer.
Some women tend to walk with perfumes in their portfolio and what they do is to apply small amounts at a time this is something that is not very good addition to be an expensive method. The first thing to consider is the composition of perfumes and fragrance concentration woody fragrances that are slower to evaporate the more that perfumes have a longer duration than the colonies.
Another consideration to keep in mind to prolong the duration of the fragrance is to spray some fragrance above and in front of you and then step forward so that the aroma permeates you.
Another good recommendation is to apply some fragrance on the wrists, forearms, neck and behind the ears. Avoid applying perfume on clothing and hair. With these tips you can extend the life of the scent of your perfume.
Incorporating perfumes pheromones
The perfume for women is very important because as we possess the aroma is what identifies us. Pheromones are a substance secreted by the body that are perceived unconsciously by the opposite sex that trigger a desire.
Currently there perfumes which are included in a small portion of this pheromone was performed with the intention of improving the lure. How you use these perfumes is the same as we do now in a prudent measure before going to the encounter with another person, this point is important because when pheromones be impregnated in the skin are removed quickly.

Pheromones are received and captured by the sense of smell in an organ called vomeronasal which generates emotions of desire. In the case of men's fragrances are given a deseoandrostenos androstenone concentrate these types of pheromones cough you do is raise the sexual desire of women. In the case of female perfumes androstenol and incorporates them copulins which increases the libido of men and women desire to expelling this fragrance.
The results of these fragrances can be made present from the first moment when used, however this does not ensure that the person with whom we go to feel madly attracted to us so we must maintain good security in ourselves and in our arms seduction.
Tips before buying a quality perfume
While buying a perfume must clarify some issues before doing so. We all have different tastes in fragrances of perfumes we buy some women prefer prefer floral scents or other citrus scented perfume. To buy a good quality perfume the first thing is to acquire a place of prestige and research about the brands that have exposure to these.
Generally good quality perfumes is costly so we can not afford to buy a perfume after purchase and we do not like us to use, which is why before buying fragrance should smell the smell but not more than two or three perfumes a day to not create confusion in the smells.
If we buy in a quality store then it is very likely that we are with a staff that knows us advise on perfumes and deliver us a list of possible options according to our requirements we indicate only just some fragrance seller we like for him we present more options.
Never buy a perfume just after smelling the aroma as its scent is changing and softening as the hours pass so we recommend at least buying perfume the next day after requesting a sample with known this perfume intensity.
Factors that damage our perfumes
This article will discuss some considerations that you should have with their fragrances so that they can be kept in good condition for longer, because the perfumes or colognes can lose their quality for the damage factors. That is why we must pay attention to the following tips

The movements are not a good factor for perfumes, if kept in constant motion you speed decomposition is why should not agitate too much at the time of application. It is also good to avoid taking her perfume at all times in your bag, if possible only use a small travel steamer.
Consider also that perfumes are fragrances made florares with the passage of time these lose their aroma, which is why it is estimated that a perfume has an average life of two years, because every time you open the perfume its decomposed is accelerated by contact with air, which is why if you do not use her perfume it is best to keep it closed.
Areas suitable for applying perfume
This time we will explain some tips to make the properties of perfumes, it is likely that you have a normal manner when applied her perfume, however how can that which is done is not the most appropriate is so that explains some tips are very useful when applying the perfume.The areas of the body where it is recommended to apply perfume is in areas where the pulse beats such as behind the ears, on the collarbone, wrists and behind the knees. The reason for applying perfume recommended in these areas is that the body temperature in these zones is higher and perfume adheres better and remains slow evaporation process and thus be vaporized is obtained constantly desired flavor.
Alternatively you can apply some perfume on their clothing, but must be careful since some perfumes can damage some types of fabrics.
Another excellent tip for applying perfume in a subtle way is to vaporize a substantial amount of perfume in the air in front of us at the height of the head and then jump immediately over where vaporizamos thereby create perfume cloud fall directly on us .
Lasting aroma of perfumes
For women, the use of perfumes is very important as this may reflect a feature in our beauty, is that we keep the smell of our perfume for longer with this we show how captivating it can be the scent of our perfume. All fragrances have an effect depending on the quality that this has on the quality of this duration remains aroma.Usually the perfumes retain their scent longer are the most expensive, this proves to be so mainly because the components used are of longer duration. When choosing a perfume must look at its quality, aroma and it must agree with our personality, avoid using very sophisticated perfume if yours is going to come from the office, you should also know that those are very concentrated perfumes are for to be used at night.
Once chosen a perfume according to your personality and particular aroma, this should test it on your skin because the scent does not respond the same in all people, which is why if you apply it when you feel the scent on the skin not is it that keeps your skin with a moment hope it will identify which is true scent perfume rub off on you.
The care of perfumes is very important this should always keep away from moisture and sunlight as an excellent recommendation is to keep the perfume in the same box that comes to keeping it in the dark with the fragrance remains. Another tip for application is applied perfume shower after this because it adheres better open pores.
Tips for longer retain the aroma of perfumes
Perfume is one of the complementary beauty that gives a pleasant aroma, however you are able to preserve their scent and enjoy every drop of perfume. In this article we will explain how to care for your favorite fragrances..jpg)
In the case that their perfume is to a large jar can place a portion into a small spray bottle and keep the largest protected from light and heat to avoid damage. Always choose the original and not copies, copies or illegal products generally cause irritation to the skin and its duration is not the same as the original product.
If you travel you do not recommend that walk your perfume on all occasions with movement only accelerates the decomposition of the product, it is better to keep a small spray and not risk this whole perfume.
Dry skin does not retain well the scent of perfumes oily skin instead if, that is why if you are from women who have dry skin before applying your fragrance first apply a moisturizer to the skin then use her perfume normally
¿Fragrances or perfumes?
Women always use any product that we give a special aroma of the best known products are the fragrances and perfumes, but know the difference between one and the other, which we use on special occasions such as that used to go to work, an appointment , among other times.The main difference between the fragrance and the perfume is that the scent has a more profound and lasting scent, fragrance for its part has a shorter duration and the components with which it is produced are lighter, usually these are made with floral waters. Instead perfumes as the main ingredient keep some kind of alcohol that is the ingredient that enables lasting aroma.
In the case of traditional activities such as commuting recommend a floral fragrance is a subtle thing that does not exploit all our beauty yet we maintain a pleasant aroma that makes us feel beautiful, but if we go to a party or a date we recommend that use a perfume, this is because for these occasions we fully exploit our beauty.
Perfume capsules
In the world of the news for the beauty of women is not stopped in recent times has launched a Japanese product Pillbox brand which created a perfume way to use a different way to the traditional.With the proposal imposed by Pillbox women no longer needed by the body spray your perfume or
fragrance chosen, but have invented a very comfortable and efficient, this is a pill that emits an odor for at least 6 continuous. The pill should be taken orally and then thirty minutes the body begins to emit a pleasant smell this fragrance pores varies with the pill but can be citric damask rose or cheesecake. Currently not experienced with fragrances like perfumes popularity, but has only been tested with natural ingredients because it is taken orally.
When the capsules are ingested these dissolve in the body and release a pleasant and natural fragrance which passes through the skin and out of the pores. Consider that this procedure is very effective as possible and taking into account that the foods we eat have a direct impact with body odor, an example of this is when we consume too much garlic or onion smell these foods our body is expelling the smell while sweat.
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