What is the personal image?
Nor is it to play a role, but to be the same and show others what you want, at all times. Whether you seek a job, a romantic dinner or just to hang out with the kids to the park. Taking care of your image first for yourself and then for others.
Importance of caring for the personal image
According to some studies, the first impression left by 55% depends on the visual image, ie clothing, overall presence, grooming, body language (nonverbal) and postage. The 38% depends on auditory perception, tone of voice, cadence and timbre.
And only 7% what determines what is said, which does not mean that we neglect our conversation. So for important events, both personal and professional care that image will be the person that reflects your image.
Care of the image and the obsession
One thing is caring image consistent with what you want and another to obsess and go to stereotypes and typecast them. For example, if you work in an office and you want to highlight the image as a responsible and reliable woman, choose a proper professional attire.It means always go with suit jacket and dark colors. You can afford to be yourself and if you like bright colors can look for a style with that combination. Allowing more relaxed days, but going well and when there is a client meeting, or need, accentuate that professional image.
You can be at home with your partner in pajamas for the day is to relax and be caring for your personal image with nice pajamas instead of that ratty old who has not thrown yet.
No need to spend all day as flawless women, unless that day arises then you want to share with your partner. But you can be comfortable and at ease and without fear that somebody would see "looking like that", but not obsessed, which is typical when starting a relationship.
Personal image and frivolity
Some people associate the care personal image to frivolity. As stated above, it has to do one thing with another. But if we are consistent between who we are and what we want to convey, if you are a frivolous person, that's what we tell our personal appearance.In women with a spiritual sense of life there is much confusion in this regard, but it could be very spiritual and live detached from the image, however, take care to convey what you want from the world itself.
Not to be confused with the trappings of some pseudo-seers or gurus who obviously are being consistent with their desire for notoriety and dressed extravagantly.
Not have to be obsessed or fashion earring or mascara always be given, or glamorous. That's insecurities. Of what it is to be a very consistent and do the inside to the outside, which is not always the same message.
Show a picture does not convey neglected in most cases, that is to a spiritual person and detached. Rather, it reflects carelessness and lack of cleanliness. You can have a simple and natural image to convey harmony and peace, caring for the clothes, hairstyle and little else.
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