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Real Beauty

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Beauty is in the brain of the beholder.

It is said that beauty rather than the object we look, is in the eye of the beholder. Now, British scientists have found that really the beauty is subjective but not in the eyes, but in the brain of the beholder. Researchers at the University of London (UCL) found that when we experience something beautiful, like a painting or a piece of music, turns "on" a specific region in the brain, the medial orbitofrontal cortex. This shows, says the study published in the journal PLoS One (Public Library of Science), the only characteristic shared by all art, whatever its nature, is that they are able to produce activity in that brain region. Professor Semir Zeki and his team of Wellcome Laboratory of Neurobiology at UCL wanted to find out what are the similarities between what is considered beautiful by humans. He knows what a culture perceives as beautiful or ugly varies drastically from what is considered beautiful or unattractive in other cultures and societies. And even within a single culture, a person chooses something other than another when it comes to deciding what is hemoso. So far, however, no one had managed to fully understand your real beauty is so subjective. "The issue of whether there are certain characteristics that make beautiful objects has been debated for thousands of years by both artists and philosophers, but has not been able to establish a proper conclusion" says Professor Zeki. "We also discussed the question of whether humans have an abstract sense of beauty, that is, a sense that stimulates in us a very powerful emotional experience, regardless of the source, for example, a musical or visual ".

Real Beauty


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